I've been stuck lately. Just frustrated and upset. I love school and studying and people and professors. But then by Thursday my random swing of depression had just kicked in full blast, and there was no escaping it. I love my boyfriend, I know I do. I took care of him when he had food poisoning all night two weekends ago. And I spent the entire next day shopping at Walmart and Target and random boutiques with him. But I just needed to get away from him this last weekend. I just wanted to yell at my best friend. And hide from all of my other friends.
Someone once said, "just keep going through the motions." Perfect.

At least we threw the most fantastic, spontaneous Halloween party last night. Sort of like a weird fresh start. Sometimes I forget, a hot shower, manicure and deep contintioning treatment don't do what you want them to. But a raging party full of boys and catty girls and tears and hugging and dancing and slutty costumes, that is the perfect mental turnaround.