Forbes recently put out their list of the most powerful women.
Of corse the top of the list was a swarm of women in politics. I wish I could say I knew who they all were but alas I don't. Amongst Michelle Obama and Hilary Clinton, though, was Beyonce and Lady Gaga. I guess it just proves that if you do what you love, and do it well, stay true to yourself, and work hard you can obtain so much.
It wasn't long ago that a tell-all
came out about Lady Gaga and all her craziness, and yet, here she is at the top of the Forbes list of most powerful women. Hooray for her.
I think the most endearing part about this list is that the women aren't all pure perfection. Lady Gaga had an eating disorder. Ellen, as fantastic as she is, falls in the minority with her sexuality. Angelina Jolie, #21, has a whole sordid history, complete with blood necklaces and massochism.
The thing about both Angelina and Beyonce is that, they too were once young. And all of the tourmoil and emotion and heartbreak that besoughts any young girl, hurt them too.

However I look to them with admiration. They became the most amazing young women and exemplify beauty and power.
In my life, I too want to be respected and hold some power, even if it's just between some colleges. But it's not easy when your constantly trying to get past the bad, and simulataneously
realize that it makes you who you are. People always say that you can't have any sort of sordid history to make it in politics, but amongst all the female politicians are powerful, human, imperfect women.
I suppose you got to just love and respect yourselves. I've found that you must if you want anyone else to follow suit.
ps Chelsea Handler was number 33. Fantastic.